Magdalena Venus Clam Shell

Magdalena Venus Clam Shell, Globivenus magdalenae

Magdalena Venus Clam Shell, Globivenus magdalenae. Shell collected from within the estuary of the Magdalena Bay complex, Baja California Sur, October 2018. Size: 4.9 cm (1.9 inches) x 4.4 cm (1.7 inches). Collection, photograph and identification courtesy of Bob Hillis, Ivins, Utah.

The Magdalena Venus Clam, Globivenus magdalenae (Dall, 1902), is a bivalve mollusk that is a member of the Veneridae Family of Venus Clam Shells. The shell has a circular profile and is globose and the exterior has numerous raised concentric ridges. The exterior of the shell white to cream in color with brown blotches; the interior is white. Magdalena Venus Clam shells reach a maximum of 5.3 cm (2.1 inches) in length and 4.8 cm (1.9 inches) in height.

The Magdalena Venus Clam shells are found in moderately deep water, at depths between 35 m (115 feet) and 200 m (655 feet). They range from Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur to Panama. They have a limited presence in the Sea of Cortez, from the East Cape region to the Cabo Baja California Sur.

A synonym is Cytherea magdalenae.