Cephalopod Shells

Cephalopod Shells

Noury’s Argonaut, Argonauta nouryi. A representative Cephalopod from the Argonaut Shell or Argonautidae Family.

Cephalopods (meaning head-footed ones) include squid, cuttlefish, octopods, nautilus, and argonauts. They are of great interest to the scientific community as they are believed to have appeared during the late Cambrian Period, more than 400 million years, which was before the first primitive fish began swimming in the ocean. This time period was also before the first mammals, before vertebrates invaded the land, and before there were upright plants on land. Cephalopods were once the dominant life form of the world’s oceans and at present 650 living species are known. Cephalopods are the most highly developed of the mollusks. All Cephalopods, except for octopus, produce some form of shell, either internally or externally, and, because of their many arms, amongst the most agile.

Three Cephalopod of the Argonaut or Argonautidae Family can be found in this website:

Noury’s Argonaut, Argonauta nouryi
Pacific Argonaut, Argonauta argo
Paper Nautilus, Argonauta cornutus