Gastropod Shells – Alphabetical Index by Genus and Species

Gastropod Shells – Alphabetical Index by Genus and Species

Acanthais triangularis, Triangular Rock Shell
Acanthotrophon carduus, Broderip’s Thistle Trophon Shell
Agathistoma ligulata, Banded Top Shell
Americoliva polpasta, Polpast Olive Shell
Antisabia panamensis, Panamanian Hoof Shell
Astraea olivacea, Olive Turban Shell
Astraea unguis, Unguis Turban Shell
Babelomurex oldroydi, Oldroyd’s Coral Shell
Bostrycapuls aculeatus, Spiny Slipper Limpet Shell
Bulla gouldiana, Gould’s Bubble Shell
Californiconus californicus, California Cone Shell
Callianax biplicata, Purple Dwarf Olive Shell
Calliostoma annulatum, Purple-ring Top Shell
Calliostoma nephaloide, Nephelo Top Shell
Cancellaria cooperii, Cooper’s Nutmeg Shell
Caesia fossata, Channeled Nassa Shell
Ceratostoma monoceros, One-horn Rock Shell
Cerithidae montagnei, Montagnei Horn Shell
Cerithideopsis californica, California Horn Shell
Cerithium maculosum, Speckled Cerith Shell
Cerithium menkei, Menkei Cerith Shell
Cerithium stercusmuscarum, Pacific Fly-speckled Cerith Shell
Cittarium pica, West Indian Top Shell
Claremontiella nodulosa, Blackberry Drupe Shell
Columbella fuscata, Burnt Dove Shell
Columbella haemastoma, Blood-stained Dove Shell
Columbella major, Fat Dove Shell
Columbella strombiformis, Stromboid Dove Shell
Conasprella mahogani, Mahogany Cone Shell
Conasprella perplexa, Puzzled Cone Shell
Conus brunneus, Brown Cone Shell
Conus edaphus, Edaphus Cone Shell
Conus fergusoni, Ferguson’s Cone Shell
Conus gladiator, Gladiator Cone Shell
Conus nux, Nut Cone Shell
Conus princeps, Prince Cone Shell
Conus purpurascens, Purple Cone Shell
Conus recurvus, Recurved Cone Shell
Conus regularis, Regular Cone Shell
Conus tessulatus, Tesselated Cone Shell
Conus vittatus, Ribboned Cone Shell
Coralliophila monodonta, Wide-mouth Coral Shell
Crassispira maura, Maura Turid Shell
Credidula excavata, Pointed Slipper Limpet Shell
Crepidula lessonii, Lessonii Slipper Limpet Shell
Crepidula onyx, Onyx Slipper Limpet Shell
Crepidula striolata, Ridged Slipper Limpet Shell
Crossata californica, California Frog Shell
Crucibulum cyclopium, Cyclops Cup-and-Saucer Shell
Crucibulum lignarium, Woodpile Cup-and-Saucer Shell
Crucibulum personatusun, Masked Cup-and-Saucer Shell
Crucibulum scutelloatum, Imbricate Cup-and-Sauce Shell
Crucibulum spinosum, Spiny Cup-and-Saucer Shell
Crucibulum umbrella, Umbrella Cup-and-Saucer Shell
Cyphoma emarginatum, Ridged Cowry Shell
Cyphoma gibbosum, Flamingo Tongue Shell
Cypracassis tenuis, Galapagos Cowry Helmet Shell
Cypraecassis coarctata, Contracted Cowry Helmet Shell
Dermomurex obeliscus, Obelisk Murex Shell
Diodora inaequalis, Sculptured Keyhole Limpet Shell
Diodora saturnalis, Saturn Keyhole Limpet Shell
Echinolittorina apsera, Aspera Periwinkle Shell
Echinolittorina modesta, Modest Periwinkle Shell
Enacta cumingii, Cuming’s Lyria Shell
Erosaria albuginosa, White-spotted Cowry Shell
Favartia humlis, Humilis Murex Shell
Ficus ventricosa, Panamic Fig Shell
Fissurella microtrema, Ruguose Slit Keyhole Limpet Shell
Fissurella rubropicta, Red-colored Keyhole Limpet Shell
Fissurella volcano, Volcano Keyhole Limited Shell
Forreria belcheri, Giant Forreria Shell
Gemophos sanguinolentus, Sanguine Cantharus Shell
Goniofusus dupetitthouarsi, DuPetit’s Spindle Shell
Haliotis corrugata, Pink Abalone Shell
Haliotis cracherodii, Black Abalone Shell
Haliotis fulgens, Green Abalone Shell
Haliotis refuscens, Red Abalone Shell
Harpa crenata, Panama Harp Shell
Hesperaptyxis fredbakeri, Fred Baker’s Spindle Shell
Hexaplex brassica, Cabbage Murex Shell
Hexaplex princeps, Prince Murex Shell
Hipponix antiquatus, Panamanian Hoof Shell

Isara swansonii, Swainson’s Miter Shell
Janthina janthina, Violet Sea Snail Shell
Jenneria pustulata, Jenner’s False Cowry Shell
Kelletia kelletii, Kellet’s Whelk Shell
Leucozonia cerata, Waxy Latirus Shell
Littoraria variegata, Banded Periwinkle Shell
Lobatus peruvianus, Peruvian Conch Shell
Lottia discors, Discordant Limpet Shell
Lottia gigantea, Owl Limpet Shell
Lottia mitella, Hat Limpet Shell
Lottia stigatella, Checkered Limpet Shell
Luria isabellamexicana, Isabella Cowry Shell
Macrocypraea cervinetta, Little Deer Cowry Shell
Macron aethiops, Ribbed Macron Shell
Malea ringens, Grinning Tun Shell
Megastraea undosa, Wavy Turban Shell
Megathura crenulata, Giant Keyhole Limpet Shell
Melongena patula, Pacific Crown Conch Shell
Metaphos articulatus, Articulate Phos Shell
Mitrella guttata, Spotted Dove Shell
Monoplex keenae, Keen’s Hairy Triton Shell
Monoplex macrodon,  Slender Triton Shell
Monoplex wiegmanni, Wiegmann Triton Shell
Morum tuberculosum, Lumpy Morum Shell
Murexsul dipsacus, Teasel Murex Shell
Muricanthus ambiguus, Ambiguous Murex Shell
Muricanthus nigritus, Black Murex Shell
Naticidae Sp., Moon Snail Egg Case
Neobernaya spadicea, Chestnut Cowry Shell
Neoterebra variegata, Variegated Auger Shell
Nerita funiculate, Funiculate Nerite Shell
Nerita scabricosta, Ornate Nerite Shell
Nerita versicolor, Four-tooth Nerite Shell
Neverita lewisii, Lewis’ Moon Shell
Neverita recluzianus, Recluz’s Moon Shell
Norrisia norrisii, Norris Top Shell
Notocochlis chemnitzii, Chemnitz’ Moon Shell
Oliva incrassata, Angled Olive Shell
Oliva porphyria, Tent Olive Shell
Oliva spicata, Veined Olive Shell
Olivella tergina, Tergina Dwarf Olive Shell
Opeatostoma pseudodon, Thorn Latirus Shell
Oxymeris strigata, Zebra Auger Shell
Parametaria dupontii, Dupont’s Dove Shell
Persististrombus granulatus, Granulated Conch Shell
Phyllocoma scalariformis, Scaled False Triton Shell
Phyllonotus erythrostomus, Pink-mouth Murex Shell
Phyllonotus regius, Royal Murex Shell
Pilosabia trigona, Trigonal Horse Hoof Shell
Pleuroploca princeps, Panamic Horse Conch Shell
Plicopurpura columellaris, Wide-mouth Purpura Shell
Polinices bifasciatus, Two-banded Moon Shell
Polinices uber, Uber Milk Moon Shell
Polystira nobilis, Noble Giant Turrid Shell
Polystira picta, Picta Turid Shell
Pomaulax spiratus, Spirate Turban Shell
Pseudozonaria annettae, Annette’s Cowry Shell
Pseudozonaria arabicula, Little Arabian Cowry Shell
Pteropurpura centrifuga, Centrifugal Murex Shell
Pteropurpura erinaceoides, Prickly Wing Murex Shell
Pteropurpura festiva, Festive Murex Shell
Pteropurpura trialata, Three-winged Murex
Purpurellus pinniger, Webbed Murex Shell
Pusio elegans, Elegant Goblet Shell
Pusula pediculus, Coffee Bean Shell
Pusula radians, Radiant Button Shell
Pusula solandri, Solander’s Trivia Shell
Roperia poulsoni, Poulson’s Rock Shell
Semicassis centiquadrata, Panamic Bonnet Shell
Simnia arcuata, Vidler’s Simnia Shell
Simnia avena, Chubby Simnia Shell
Sinum debile, Slight Baby Ear Shell
Siphonaria maura, Maura False Limpet Shell
Siphonaria palmata, Palmate False Limpet Shell
Solenesteira gatesi, Gates’ Goblet Shell
Solenesteira macrospira, Large-coiled Whelk Shell
Stigmaulax elenae, Elenae Moon Shell
Stramonita biserialis, Two-row Rock Shell
Strigatella tristis, Sad Miter Shell
Strombus gracilior, Eastern Pacific Fighting Conch Shell
Subcancilla blecheri, Belcher’s Miter Shell
Tegula mariana, Maria’s Tegula Shell
Tegula regina, Queen Tegula Shell
Terebra robusta, Robust Auger Shell
Thaisella kiosquiformis, Kiosque Rock Shell
Theodoxus luteofasciatus, Yellow-banded Nerite Shell
Thylacodes margaritaceus, Margarita Worm Shell
Thylacodes oryzatus, Oryzatus Worm Shell
Titanostrombus galeatus, Eastern Pacific Giant Conch Shell
Tribulus planospira, Eye-of-Judas Shell
Trigonostoma goniostoma, Angle-mouth Nutmeg Shell
Triplofusus princeps, Panamic Horse Conch Shell
Trivia sanguinea, Sanguine Trivia Shell
Turbo fluctuosus, Fluctuating Turban Shell
Turritella gonostoma, Angle-mouth Screw Shell
Turritella leucostoma, Tiger Turret Shell
Turritella radula, Dart Screw Shell
Turritriton gibbosus, Swollen Hairy Triton Shell
Vasula melones, Gourd Rock Shell
Vasula speciosa, Speciosa Rock Shell
Vasum caestus, Gauntlet Vase Shell
Vasum turbinellus, Common Pacific Vase Shell
Ventrilia bullata, Bubble Nutmeg Shell
Vermicularia pellucida eburnea, Transluscent Screw Shell
Vigularia salebrosa, Rugged Vitularia Shell
Vokesimurex recurvirostris, Long-spine Murex Shell
Vokesimurex ruthae, Ruthae Murex Shell
Xenophora conchliophora robusta, Robust Carrier Shell